UCR Examples

This page lists some common examples/design patterns for user configurable reports and CommCare HQ data models.

Data source filters

The following are example filter expressions that are common in data sources.

Filters on forms

The following filters apply to data sources built on top of forms.

Filter by a specific form type using the XMLNS

    "type": "boolean_expression",
    "expression": {
        "type": "property_name",
        "property_name": "xmlns"
    "operator": "eq",
    "property_value": "http://openrosa.org/formdesigner/my-registration-form"

Filter by a set of form types using the XMLNS

    "type": "boolean_expression",
    "expression": {
        "type": "property_name",
        "property_name": "xmlns"
    "operator": "in",
    "property_value": [

Filters on cases

The following filters apply to data sources built on top of cases.

Filter by a specific case type

    "type": "boolean_expression",
    "expression": {
        "type": "property_name",
        "property_name": "type"
    "operator": "eq",
    "property_value": "child"

Filter by multiple case types

    "type": "boolean_expression",
    "expression": {
        "type": "property_name",
        "property_name": "type"
    "operator": "in",
    "property_value": ["child", "mother"]

Filter by only open cases

NOTE: this should be changed to use boolean datatypes once those exist.

    "type": "boolean_expression",
    "expression": {
        "type": "property_name",
        "property_name": "closed",
        "datatype": null

    "operator": "eq",
    "property_value": false

Data source indicators

Count every contributing row (form or case)

    "type": "expression",
    "expression": {
        "type": "constant",
        "constant": 1
    "column_id": "count",
    "datatype": "integer",
    "display_name": "count of forms"

Save a form property directly to a table

The following indicator stubs show how to save various properties to a data source. These can be copied directly into data sources or modified to suit specific apps/forms.

Submission date (received on)

This saves the submission date as a date object. If you want to include the time change the datatypes to "datetime".

    "type": "expression",
    "expression": {
        "type": "property_name",
        "property_name": "received_on",
        "datatype": "date"
    "display_name": "Submission date",
    "datatype": "date",
    "column_id": "received_on"

User ID

    "display_name": "User ID",
    "datatype": "string",
    "expression": {
        "type": "property_path",
        "property_path": [
    "is_primary_key": false,
    "transform": {},
    "is_nullable": true,
    "type": "expression",
    "column_id": "user_id"

A text or choice property

This is the same type of indicator that should be used for typical Impact 123 indicators. In the example below, the indicator is inside a form group question called “impact123”.

    "type": "expression",
    "expression": {
        "type": "property_path",
        "property_path": ["form", "impact123", "cc_impact_1"]
    "column_id": "impact1",
    "display_name": "Impact 1",
    "datatype": "string"

Getting the parent case ID from a case

    "type": "nested",
    "argument_expression": {
        "type": "array_index",
        "array_expression": {
            "type": "property_name",
            "property_name": "indices"
        "index_expression": {
            "type": "constant",
            "constant": 0
    "value_expression": {
        "type": "property_name",
        "property_name": "referenced_id"

Getting the location type from a location doc id

location_id_expression can be any expression that evaluates to a valid location id.

    "expression": {
        "type": "location_type_name",
        "location_id_expression": {
            "type": "property_name",
            "property_name": "_id"
    "column_id": "district"

Getting a location’s parent ID

location_id_expression can be any expression that evaluates to a valid location id.

    "expression": {
        "type": "location_parent_id",
        "location_id_expression": {
            "type": "property_name",
            "property_name": "location_id"
    "column_id": "parent_location"

Base Item Expressions

Emit multiple rows (one per non-empty case property)

In this example we take 3 case properties and save one row per property if it exists.

    "type": "iterator",
    "expressions": [
            "type": "property_name",
            "property_name": "p1"
            "type": "property_name",
            "property_name": "p2"
            "type": "property_name",
            "property_name": "p3"
    "test": {
        "type": "not",
        "filter": {
            "type": "boolean_expression",
            "expression": {
                "type": "identity",
            "operator": "in",
            "property_value": ["", null]

Emit multiple rows of complex data

In this example we take 3 case properties and emit the property name along with the value (only if non-empty). Note that the test must also change in this scenario.

    "type": "iterator",
    "expressions": [
            "type": "dict",
            "properties": {
                "name": "p1",
                "value": {
                    "type": "property_name",
                    "property_name": "p1"
            "type": "dict",
            "properties": {
                "name": "p2",
                "value": {
                    "type": "property_name",
                    "property_name": "p2"
            "type": "dict",
            "properties": {
                "name": "p3",
                "value": {
                    "type": "property_name",
                    "property_name": "p3"
    "test": {
        "type": "not",
        "filter": {
            "type": "boolean_expression",
            "expression": {
                "type": "property_name",
                "property_name": "value"
            "operator": "in",
            "property_value": ["", null],

Evaluator Examples

Age in years to age in months

In the above example, age_in_years can be replaces with another expression to get the property from the doc

    "type": "evaluator",
    "statement": "30.4 * age_in_years",
    "context_variables": {
        "age_in_years": {
            "type": "property_name",
            "property_name": "age"

This will lookup the property age and substituite its value in the statement

weight_gain example

    "type": "evaluator",
    "statement": "weight_2 - weight_1",
    "context_variables": {
        "weight_1": {
            "type": "property_name",
            "property_name": "weight_at_birth"
        "weight_2": {
            "type": "property_name",
            "property_name": "weight_at_1_year"

This will return value of weight_at_1_year - weight_at_birth

diff_seconds example

"expression": {
    "type": "evaluator",
    "statement": "timedelta_to_seconds(time_end - time_start)",
    "context_variables": {
        "time_start": {
            "datatype": "datetime",
            "type": "property_path",
            "property_path": [
        "time_end": {
            "datatype": "datetime",
            "type": "property_path",
            "property_path": [

This will return the difference in seconds between two times (i.e. start and end of form)

Date format

These examples using Python f-strings to format the dates.

Convert a datetime to a formatted string

2022-01-01T15:32:54.109971Z 15:32 on 01 Jan 2022

    "type": "evaluator",
    "statement": "f'{date:%H:%M on %d %b %Y}'",
    "context_variables": {
        "date": {
            "type": "property_name",
            "property_name": "my_datetime",
            "datatype": "datetime",

Convert a datetime to show only 3 digits in the microseconds field

2022-01-01T15:32:54.109971Z 2022-01-01T15:32:54.110Z

    "type": "evaluator",
    "statement": "f'{date:%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S}.' + '%03d' % round(int(f'{date:%f}')/1000) + 'Z'",
    "context_variables": {
        "date": {
            "type": "property_name",
            "property_name": "my_datetime",
            "datatype": "datetime",

Getting forms submitted for a case

    "type": "get_case_forms",
    "case_id_expression": {
        "type": "property_name",
        "property_name": "case_id"

Getting forms submitted from specific forms for a case

    "type": "get_case_forms",
    "case_id_expression": {
        "type": "property_name",
        "property_name": "case_id"
    "xmlns": [

Filter, Map, Reduce, Flatten and Sort expressions

Getting number of forms of a particular type

    "type": "reduce_items",
    "items_expression": {
        "type": "filter_items",
        "items_expression": {
         "type": "get_case_forms",
         "case_id_expression": {"type": "property_name", "property_name": "case_id"}
        "filter_expression": {
                   "type": "boolean_expression",
                   "operator": "eq",
                   "expression": {"type": "property_name", "property_name": "xmls"},
                   "property_value": "gmp_xmlns"
    "aggregation_fn": "count"

It can be read as reduce(filter(get_case_forms))

Getting latest form property

    "type": "nested",
    "argument_expression": {
        "type": "reduce_items",
        "items_expression": {
            "type": "sort_items",
            "items_expression": {
                "type": "filter_items",
                "items_expression": {
                    "type": "get_case_forms",
                    "case_id_expression": {"type": "property_name", "property_name": "case_id"}
                "filter_expression": {
                    "type": "boolean_expression",
                    "operator": "eq",
                    "expression": {"type": "property_name", "property_name": "xmls"},
                    "property_value": "gmp_xmlns"
            "sort_expression": {"type": "property_name", "property_name": "received_on"}
        "aggregation_fn": "last_item"
    "value_expression": {
        "type": "property_name",
        "property_name": "weight"

This will return weight form-property on latest gmp form (xmlns is gmp_xmlns).

Report examples

Report filters

Date filter for submission date

This assumes that you have saved a "received_on" column from the form into the data source.

  "type": "date",
  "slug": "received_on",
  "field": "received_on",
  "display": "Submission date",
  "required": false

Report columns

Creating a date column for months

The following makes a column for a "received_on" data source column that will aggregate by the month received.

    "type": "aggregate_date",
    "column_id": "received_on",
    "field": "received_on",
    "display": "Month"

Expanded columns

The following snippet creates an expanded column based on a column that contains a fixed number of choices. This is the default column setup used in Impact 123 reports.

    "type": "expanded",
    "field": "impact1",
    "column_id": "impact1",
    "display": "impact1"


Impact 123 grouped by date

This assumes a month-based date column and an expanded impact indicator column, as described above.

    "y_axis_columns": [
    "x_axis_column": "received_on",
    "title": "Impact1 by Submission Date",
    "display_params": {},
    "aggregation_column": null,
    "type": "multibar"