
A report is

a logical grouping of indicators with common config options (filters etc)

The way reports are produced in CommCare is still evolving so there are a number of different frameworks and methods for generating reports. Some of these are legacy frameworks and should not be used for any future reports.

Hooking up reports to CommCare HQ

Custom reports can be configured in code or in the database. To configure custom reports in code follow the following instructions.

First, you must add the app to HQ_APPS in It must have an and a for django to recognize it as an app.

Next, add a mapping for your domain(s) to the custom reports module root to the DOMAIN_MODULE_MAP variable in

Finally, add a mapping to your custom reports to in your custom reports submodule:

from myproject import reports

    ('Custom Reports', (

Reporting on data stored in SQL

As described above there are various ways of getting reporting data into and SQL database. From there we can query the data in a number of ways.

Extending the SqlData class

The SqlData class allows you to define how to query the data in a declarative manner by breaking down a query into a number of components.

class corehq.apps.reports.sqlreport.SqlData(config=None)[source]
property columns

Returns a list of Column objects. These are used to make up the from portion of the SQL query.

property distinct_on

Returns a list of column names to create the DISTINCT ON portion of the SQL query

property filter_values

Return a dict mapping the filter keys to actual values e.g. {“enddate”: date(2013, 1, 1)}

property filters

Returns a list of filter statements. Filters are instances of sqlagg.filters.SqlFilter. See the sqlagg.filters module for a list of standard filters.

e.g. [EQ(‘date’, ‘enddate’)]

property group_by

Returns a list of ‘group by’ column names.

property keys

The list of report keys (e.g. users) or None to just display all the data returned from the query. Each value in this list should be a list of the same dimension as the ‘group_by’ list. If group_by is None then keys must also be None.

These allow you to specify which rows you expect in the output data. Its main use is to add rows for keys that don’t exist in the data.


group_by = [‘region’, ‘sub_region’] keys = [[‘region1’, ‘sub1’], [‘region1’, ‘sub2’] … ]

table_name = None

The name of the table to run the query against.

This approach means you don’t write any raw SQL. It also allows you to easily include or exclude columns, format column values and combine values from different query columns into a single report column (e.g. calculate percentages).

In cases where some columns may have different filter values e.g. males vs females, sqlagg will handle executing the different queries and combining the results.

This class also implements the corehq.apps.reports.api.ReportDataSource.

See Report API and sqlagg for more info.


class DemoReport(SqlTabularReport, CustomProjectReport):
    name = "SQL Demo"
    slug = "sql_demo"
    fields = ('corehq.apps.reports.filters.dates.DatespanFilter',)

    # The columns to include the the 'group by' clause
    group_by = ["user"]

    # The table to run the query against
    table_name = "user_report_data"

    def filters(self):
        return [
            BETWEEN('date', 'startdate', 'enddate'),

    def filter_values(self):
        return {
            "startdate": self.datespan.startdate_param_utc,
            "enddate": self.datespan.enddate_param_utc,
            "male": 'M',
            "female": 'F',

    def keys(self):
        # would normally be loaded from couch
        return [["user1"], ["user2"], ['user3']]

    def columns(self):
        return [
            DatabaseColumn("Location", SimpleColumn("user_id"), format_fn=self.username),
            DatabaseColumn("Males", CountColumn("gender"), filters=self.filters+[EQ('gender', 'male')]),
            DatabaseColumn("Females", CountColumn("gender"), filters=self.filters+[EQ('gender', 'female')]),
                "C as percent of D",
                [SumColumn("indicator_c"), SumColumn("indicator_d")],

    _usernames = {"user1": "Location1", "user2": "Location2", 'user3': "Location3"}  # normally loaded from couch
    def username(self, key):
        return self._usernames[key]

    def calc_percentage(num, denom):
        if isinstance(num, Number) and isinstance(denom, Number):
            if denom != 0:
                return num * 100 / denom
                return 0
            return None

    def format_percent(self, value):
        return format_datatables_data("%d%%" % value, value)

Report API

Part of the evolution of the reporting frameworks has been the development of a report api. This is essentially just a change in the architecture of reports to separate the data from the display. The data can be produced in various formats but the most common is an list of dicts.


data = [
    'slug1': 'abc',
    'slug2': 2
    'slug1': 'def',
    'slug2': 1

This is implemented by creating a report data source class that extends corehq.apps.reports.api.ReportDataSource and overriding the get_data() function.

class corehq.apps.reports.api.ReportDataSource(config=None)[source]
get_data(start=None, limit=None)[source]

Intention: Override


slugs – List of slugs to return for each row. Return all values if slugs = None or [].


A list of dictionaries mapping slugs to values.

e.g. [{‘village’: ‘Mazu’, ‘births’: 30, ‘deaths’: 28},{…}]


Intention: Override


A list of available slugs.

These data sources can then be used independently or the CommCare reporting user interface and can also be reused for multiple use cases such as displaying the data in the CommCare UI as a table, displaying it in a map, making it available via HTTP etc.

An extension of this base data source class is the corehq.apps.reports.sqlreport.SqlData class which simplifies creating data sources that get data by running an SQL query. See section on SQL reporting for more info.


class CustomReportDataSource(ReportDataSource):
    def get_data(self):
        startdate = self.config['start']
        enddate = self.config['end']


        return data

config = {'start': date(2013, 1, 1), 'end': date(2013, 5, 1)}
ds = CustomReportDataSource(config)
data = ds.get_data()