
What is middleware?

HQ uses a number of types of middleware, defined in settings.py. For background on middleware, see the Django docs


TimeoutMiddleware controls a session-based inactivity timeout, where the user is logged out after a period of inactivity.

The default timeout, defined in settings.py as INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT, is two weeks, long enough that regular users will not encounter it.

Most of TimeoutMiddleware deals with domains that enforce a shorter timeout for security purposes.

The shorter timeout is enabled using the “Shorten Inactivity Timeout” checkbox in Project Settings > Privacy, and stored as the Domain attribute secure_sessions. This document wil refer to domains using this feature as “secure” domains. By default, secure domains time their users out after 30 minutes of inactivity. This duration is controlled by SECURE_TIMEOUT in settings.py.

“Activity” refers to web requests to HQ. This includes formplayer requests, as formplayer issues a request to HQ for session details that extends the user’s session; see SessionDetailsView. In secure domains, there is also javascript-based logic in hqwebapp/js/inactivity that periodically pings HQ for the purpose of extending the session, provided that the user has recently pressed a key or clicked their mouse.

When a user’s session times out, they are logged out, so their next request will redirect them to the login page. This works acceptably for most of HQ but is a bad experience when in an area that relies heavily on ajax requests, which will all start to fail without indicating to the user why. To avoid this there is a logout UI, also controlled by hqwebapp/js/inactivity, which tracks when the user’s session is scheduled to expire. This UI pops up a warning dialog when the session is close to expiring. When the session does expire, the UI pops up a dialog that allows the user to re-login without leaving the page. This UI is enabled whenever the user is on a domain-specific page and has a secure session. Note that the user’s session may be secure even if the domain they are viewing is not secure; more on this below.

A user’s session is marked secure is any of the following are true:

  • The user is viewing a secure domain.

  • The user is a member of any domain that uses secure sessions.

  • The session has already been marked secure by a previous request.

This behavior makes secure sessions “sticky”, following the user around after they visit a secure domain. Note that the session is cleared when the user logs out or is forced out due to inactivity.

The feature flag SECURE_SESSION_TIMEOUT allows domains to customize the length of their timeout. When this is on, the domain can specify a number of minutes, which will be used in place of the default 30-minute SECURE_TIMEOUT. When a user is affected by multiple domains, with different timeout durations, the minimum duration is used. As with the secure session flag itself, the relevant durations are the current domain, and other domains where the user is a member, and the duration value currently stored in the session. So a user who belongs to two secure domains, one with the standard 30-minute timeout and one with a 15-minute timeout, will always experience a 15-minute timeout. A user who belongs to no secure domains but who visits a domain with a 45-minute timeout will then experience a 45-minute timeout until the next time they log out and back in.