SMS Backends

We have one SMS Backend class per SMS Gateway that we make available.

SMS Backends are defined by creating a new directory under corehq.messaging.smsbackends, and the code for each backend has two main parts:


The outbound part of the backend code is responsible for interacting with the SMS Gateway’s API to send an SMS.

All outbound SMS backends are subclasses of SQLSMSBackend, and you can’t use a backend until you’ve created an instance of it and saved it in the database. You can have multiple instances of backends, if for example, you have multiple accounts with the same SMS gateway.

Backend instances can either be global, in which case they are shared by all projects in CommCare HQ, or they can belong to a specific project. If belonged to a specific project, a backend can optionally be shared with other projects as well.

To write the outbound backend code:

  1. Create a subclass of corehq.apps.sms.models.SQLSMSBackend and implement the unimplemented methods:


    should return a string that uniquely identifies the backend type (but is shared across backend instances); we choose to not use the class name for this since class names can change but the api id should never change; the api id is only used for sms billing to look up sms rates for this backend type


    a displayable name for the backend


    each backend likely needs to store additional information, such as a username and password for authenticating with the SMS gateway; list those fields here and they will be accessible via the backend’s config property


    should return a subclass of corehq.apps.sms.forms.BackendForm, which should:

    • have form fields for each of the fields in get_available_extra_fields, and

    • implement the gateway_specific_fields property, which should return a crispy forms rendering of those fields


    takes a corehq.apps.sms.models.QueuedSMS object as an argument and is responsible for interfacing with the SMS Gateway’s API to send the SMS; if you want the framework to retry the SMS, raise an exception in this method, otherwise if no exception is raised the framework takes that to mean the process was successful. Unretryable error responses may be recorded on the message object with msg.set_gateway_error(message) where message is the error message or code returned by the gateway.

  2. Add the backend to settings.HQ_APPS and settings.SMS_LOADED_SQL_BACKENDS

  3. Run ./ makemigrations sms; Django will just create a proxy model for the backend model, but no database changes will occur

  4. Add an outbound test for the backend in corehq.apps.sms.tests.test_backends. This will test that the backend is reachable by the framework, but any testing of the direct API connection with the gateway must be tested manually.

Once that’s done, you should be able to create instances of the backend by navigating to Messaging -> SMS Connectivity (for domain-level backend instances) or Admin -> SMS Connectivity and Billing (for global backend instances). To test it out, set it as the default backend for a project and try sending an SMS through the Compose SMS interface.

Things to look out for:

  • Make sure you use the proper encoding of the message when you implement the send() method. Some gateways are picky about the encoding needed. For example, some require everything to be UTF-8. Others might make you choose between ASCII and Unicode. And for the ones that accept Unicode, you might need to sometimes convert it to a hex representation. And remember that get/post data will be automatically url-encoded when you use python requests. Consult the documentation for the gateway to see what is required.

  • The message limit for a single SMS is 160 7-bit structures. That works out to 140 bytes, or 70 words. That means the limit for a single message is typically 160 GSM characters, or 70 Unicode characters. And it’s actually a little more complicated than that since some simple ASCII characters (such as ‘{’) take up two GSM characters, and each carrier uses the GSM alphabet according to language.

    So the bottom line is, it’s difficult to know whether the given text will fit in one SMS message or not. As a result, you should find out if the gateway supports Concatenated SMS, a process which seamlessly splits up long messages into multiple SMS and stiches them back up without you having to do any additional work. You may need to have the gateway enable a setting to do this or include an additional parameter when sending SMS to make this work.

  • If this gateway has a phone number that people can reply to (whether a long code or short code), you’ll want to add an entry to the sms.Phoneblacklist model for the gateway’s phone number so that the system won’t allow sending SMS to this number as a precaution. You can do so in the Django admin, and you’ll want to make sure that send_sms and can_opt_in are both False on the record.


The inbound part of the backend code is responsible for exposing a view which implements the API that the SMS Gateway expects so that the gateway can connect to CommCare HQ and notify us of inbound SMS.

To write the inbound backend code:

  1. Create a subclass of corehq.apps.sms.views.IncomingBackendView, and implement the unimplemented property:


    should return the subclass of SQLSMSBackend that was written above

  2. Implement either the get() or post() method on the view based on the gateway’s API. The only requirement of the framework is that this method call the corehq.apps.sms.api.incoming function, but you should also:

    • pass self.backend_couch_id as the backend_id kwarg to incoming()

    • if the gateway gives you a unique identifier for the SMS in their system, pass that identifier as the backend_message_id kwarg to incoming(); this can help later with debugging

  3. Create a url for the view. The url pattern should accept an api key and look something like: r’^sms/(?P<api_key>[w-]+)/$’ . The API key used will need to match the inbound_api_key of a backend instance in order to be processed.

  4. Let the SMS Gateway know the url to connect to, including the API Key. To get the API Key, look at the value of the inbound_api_key property on the backend instance. This value is generated automatically when you first create a backend instance.

What happens behind the scenes is as follows:

  1. A contact sends an inbound SMS to the SMS Gateway

  2. The SMS Gateway connects to the URL configured above.

  3. The view automatically looks up the backend instance by api key and rejects the request if one is not found.

  4. Your get() or post() method is invoked which parses the parameters accordingly and passes the information to the inbound incoming() entry point.

  5. The Inbound SMS framework takes it from there as described in the Inbound SMS section.

NOTE: The api key is part of the URL because it’s not always easy to make the gateway send us an extra arbitrary parameter on each inbound SMS.

Rate Limiting

You may want (or need) to limit the rate at which SMS get sent from a given backend instance. To do so, just override the get_sms_rate_limit() method in your SQLSMSBackend, and have it return the maximum number of SMS that can be sent in a one minute period.

Load Balancing

If you want to load balance the Outbound SMS traffic automatically across multiple phone numbers, do the following:

  1. Make your BackendForm subclass the corehq.apps.sms.forms.LoadBalancingBackendFormMixin

  2. Make your SQLSMSBackend subclass the corehq.apps.sms.models.PhoneLoadBalancingMixin

  3. Make your SQLSMSBackend’s send method take a orig_phone_number kwarg. This will be the phone number to use when sending. This is always sent to the send() method, even if there is just one phone number to load balance over.

From there, the framework will automatically handle managing the phone numbers through the create/edit gateway UI and balancing the load across the numbers when sending. When choosing the originating phone number, the destination number is hashed and that hash is used to choose from the list of load balancing phone numbers, so that a recipient always receives messages from the same originating number.

If your backend uses load balancing and rate limiting, the framework applies the rate limit to each phone number separately as you would expect.

Backend Selection

There’s also an Automatic Choose option, which selects a backend for each message based on the phone number’s prefix. Domains can customize their prefix mappings, and there’s a global mapping that HQ will fall back to if no domain-specific mapping is defined.

These prefix-backend mappings are stored in SQLMobileBackend. The global mappings can be accessed with [(m.prefix, m.backend) for m in SQLMobileBackendMapping.objects.filter(is_global=True)]

On production, this currently returns

('27', <SQLMobileBackend: Global Backend 'GRAPEVINE-ZA'>),
('999', <SQLMobileBackend: Global Backend 'MOBILE_BACKEND_TEST'>),
('1', <SQLMobileBackend: Global Backend 'MOBILE_BACKEND_TWILIO'>),
('258', <SQLMobileBackend: Global Backend 'MOBILE_BACKEND_MOZ'>),
('266', <SQLMobileBackend: Global Backend 'GRAPEVINE-ZA'>),
('265', <SQLMobileBackend: Global Backend 'MOBILE_BACKEND_TWILIO'>),
('268', <SQLMobileBackend: Global Backend 'GRAPEVINE-ZA'>),
('256', <SQLMobileBackend: Global Backend 'MOBILE_BACKEND_YO'>),
('*', <SQLMobileBackend: Global Backend 'MOBILE_BACKEND_MACH'>)