Source code for corehq.apps.userreports.expressions.list_specs

import itertools

from django.utils.translation import gettext as _

from jsonobject.base_properties import DefaultProperty

from dimagi.ext.jsonobject import DictProperty, JsonObject, StringProperty

from corehq.apps.userreports.exceptions import BadSpecError
from corehq.apps.userreports.mixins import NoPropertyTypeCoercionMixIn
from corehq.apps.userreports.specs import TypeProperty
from corehq.apps.userreports.util import add_tabbed_text

from .utils import SUPPORTED_UCR_AGGREGATIONS, aggregate_items

def _evaluate_items_expression(itemx_ex, doc, evaluation_context):
    result = itemx_ex(doc, evaluation_context)
    if not isinstance(result, list):
        return []
        return result

[docs]class FilterItemsExpressionSpec(NoPropertyTypeCoercionMixIn, JsonObject): """ ``filter_items`` performs filtering on given list and returns a new list. If the boolean expression specified by ``filter_expression`` evaluates to a ``True`` value, the item is included in the new list and if not, is not included in the new list. ``items_expression`` can be any valid expression that returns a list. If this doesn't evaluate to a list an empty list is returned. It may be necessary to specify a ``datatype`` of ``array`` if the expression could return a single element. ``filter_expression`` can be any valid boolean expression relative to the items in above list. .. code:: json { "type": "filter_items", "items_expression": { "datatype": "array", "type": "property_name", "property_name": "family_repeat" }, "filter_expression": { "type": "boolean_expression", "expression": { "type": "property_name", "property_name": "gender" }, "operator": "eq", "property_value": "female" } } """ type = TypeProperty('filter_items') items_expression = DefaultProperty(required=True) filter_expression = DictProperty(required=True) def configure(self, items_expression, filter_expression): self._items_expression = items_expression self._filter_expression = filter_expression def __call__(self, doc, evaluation_context=None): items = _evaluate_items_expression(self._items_expression, doc, evaluation_context) values = [] for item in items: if self._filter_expression(item, evaluation_context): values.append(item) return values def __str__(self): return "filter:\n{items}\non:\n{filter}\n".format(items=add_tabbed_text(str(self._items_expression)), filter=add_tabbed_text(str(self._filter_expression)))
[docs]class MapItemsExpressionSpec(NoPropertyTypeCoercionMixIn, JsonObject): """ ``map_items`` performs a calculation specified by ``map_expression`` on each item of the list specified by ``items_expression`` and returns a list of the calculation results. The ``map_expression`` is evaluated relative to each item in the list and not relative to the parent document from which the list is specified. For e.g. if ``items_expression`` is a path to repeat-list of children in a form document, ``map_expression`` is a path relative to the repeat item. ``items_expression`` can be any valid expression that returns a list. If this doesn't evaluate to a list an empty list is returned. It may be necessary to specify a ``datatype`` of ``array`` if the expression could return a single element. ``map_expression`` can be any valid expression relative to the items in above list. .. code:: json { "type": "map_items", "items_expression": { "datatype": "array", "type": "property_path", "property_path": ["form", "child_repeat"] }, "map_expression": { "type": "property_path", "property_path": ["age"] } } Above returns list of ages. Note that the ``property_path`` in ``map_expression`` is relative to the repeat item rather than to the form. """ type = TypeProperty('map_items') items_expression = DefaultProperty(required=True) map_expression = DefaultProperty(required=True) def configure(self, items_expression, map_expression): self._items_expression = items_expression self._map_expression = map_expression def __call__(self, doc, evaluation_context=None): items = _evaluate_items_expression(self._items_expression, doc, evaluation_context) return [self._map_expression(i, evaluation_context) for i in items] def __str__(self): return "map:\n{items}\nto:\n{map}\n".format(items=add_tabbed_text(str(self._items_expression)), map=add_tabbed_text(str(self._map_expression)))
[docs]class ReduceItemsExpressionSpec(NoPropertyTypeCoercionMixIn, JsonObject): """ ``reduce_items`` returns aggregate value of the list specified by ``aggregation_fn``. ``items_expression`` can be any valid expression that returns a list. If this doesn't evaluate to a list, ``aggregation_fn`` will be applied on an empty list. It may be necessary to specify a ``datatype`` of ``array`` if the expression could return a single element. ``aggregation_fn`` is one of following supported functions names. +----------------+------------------------+ | Function Name | Example | +================+========================+ | ``count`` | ``['a', 'b']`` -> 2 | +----------------+------------------------+ | ``sum`` | ``[1, 2, 4]`` -> 7 | +----------------+------------------------+ | ``min`` | ``[2, 5, 1]`` -> 1 | +----------------+------------------------+ | ``max`` | ``[2, 5, 1]`` -> 5 | +----------------+------------------------+ | ``first_item`` | ``['a', 'b']`` -> 'a' | +----------------+------------------------+ | ``last_item`` | ``['a', 'b']`` -> 'b' | +----------------+------------------------+ | ``join`` | ``['a', 'b']`` -> 'ab' | +----------------+------------------------+ .. code:: json { "type": "reduce_items", "items_expression": { "datatype": "array", "type": "property_name", "property_name": "family_repeat" }, "aggregation_fn": "count" } This returns number of family members """ type = TypeProperty('reduce_items') items_expression = DefaultProperty(required=True) aggregation_fn = StringProperty(required=True) def configure(self, items_expression): self._items_expression = items_expression if self.aggregation_fn not in SUPPORTED_UCR_AGGREGATIONS: raise BadSpecError(_("aggregation_fn '{}' is not valid. Valid options are: {} ").format( self.aggregation_fn, SUPPORTED_UCR_AGGREGATIONS )) def __call__(self, doc, evaluation_context=None): items = _evaluate_items_expression(self._items_expression, doc, evaluation_context) return aggregate_items(items, self.aggregation_fn) def __str__(self): return "{aggregation}:\n{items}\n".format(aggregation=self.aggregation_fn, items=add_tabbed_text(str(self._items_expression)))
[docs]class FlattenExpressionSpec(NoPropertyTypeCoercionMixIn, JsonObject): """ ``flatten`` takes list of list of objects specified by ``items_expression`` and returns one list of all objects. ``items_expression`` is any valid expression that returns a list of lists. It this doesn't evaluate to a list of lists an empty list is returned. It may be necessary to specify a ``datatype`` of ``array`` if the expression could return a single element. .. code:: json { "type": "flatten", "items_expression": {}, } """ type = TypeProperty('flatten') items_expression = DefaultProperty(required=True) def configure(self, items_expression): self._items_expression = items_expression def __call__(self, doc, evaluation_context=None): items = _evaluate_items_expression(self._items_expression, doc, evaluation_context) # all items should be iterable, if not return empty list for item in items: if not isinstance(item, list): return [] try: return(list(itertools.chain(*items))) except TypeError: return [] def __str__(self): return "flatten:\n{items}\n".format(items=add_tabbed_text(str(self._items_expression)))
[docs]class SortItemsExpressionSpec(NoPropertyTypeCoercionMixIn, JsonObject): """ ``sort_items`` returns a sorted list of items based on sort value of each item.The sort value of an item is specified by ``sort_expression``. By default, list will be in ascending order. Order can be changed by adding optional ``order`` expression with one of ``DESC`` (for descending) or ``ASC`` (for ascending) If a sort-value of an item is ``None``, the item will appear in the start of list. If sort-values of any two items can't be compared, an empty list is returned. ``items_expression`` can be any valid expression that returns a list. If this doesn't evaluate to a list an empty list is returned. It may be necessary to specify a ``datatype`` of ``array`` if the expression could return a single element. ``sort_expression`` can be any valid expression relative to the items in above list, that returns a value to be used as sort value. .. code:: json { "type": "sort_items", "items_expression": { "datatype": "array", "type": "property_path", "property_path": ["form", "child_repeat"] }, "sort_expression": { "type": "property_path", "property_path": ["age"] } } """ ASC, DESC = "ASC", "DESC" type = TypeProperty('sort_items') items_expression = DefaultProperty(required=True) sort_expression = DictProperty(required=True) order = StringProperty(choices=[ASC, DESC], default=ASC) def configure(self, items_expression, sort_expression): self._items_expression = items_expression self._sort_expression = sort_expression def __call__(self, doc, evaluation_context=None): items = _evaluate_items_expression(self._items_expression, doc, evaluation_context) try: def sort_key(item): value = self._sort_expression(item, evaluation_context) # swap 0 and 1 to sort nulls last instead of first return (0 if value is None else 1), value return sorted( items, key=sort_key, reverse=True if self.order == self.DESC else False ) except TypeError: return [] def __str__(self): return "sort:\n{items}\n{order} on:\n{sort}".format( items=add_tabbed_text(str(self._items_expression)), order=self.order, sort=add_tabbed_text(str(self._sort_expression)))