Source code for

"""HQ Elasticsearch client logic (adapters)."""
import copy
import json
import logging
from enum import Enum
from functools import cached_property

from django.conf import settings

from memoized import memoized

from dimagi.utils.chunked import chunked

from import term
from import (
from corehq.util.global_request import get_request_domain
from corehq.util.metrics import (

from .const import (
from .exceptions import ESError, ESShardFailure, TaskError, TaskMissing
from .index.analysis import DEFAULT_ANALYSIS
from .utils import ElasticJSONSerializer, index_runtime_name

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BaseAdapter: """Base adapter that includes methods common to all adapters."""
[docs] def __init__(self): self._es = get_client()
[docs] def info(self): """Return the Elasticsearch server info.""" try: return except ElasticsearchException as exc: raise ESError("Elasticsearch is unavailable") from exc
[docs] def ping(self): """Ping the Elasticsearch service.""" try: return except ElasticsearchException as exc: raise ESError("Elasticsearch is unavailable") from exc
@property def elastic_major_version(self): return self.elastic_version[0] @cached_property def elastic_version(self): cluster_info = try: version = tuple(int(v) for v in cluster_info["version"]["number"].split(".")) except (KeyError, ValueError): version = () if version: return version raise ESError(f"invalid elasticsearch info: {cluster_info!r}")
[docs]class ElasticManageAdapter(BaseAdapter):
[docs] def index_exists(self, index): """Check if ``index`` refers to a valid index identifier (index name or alias). :param index: ``str`` index name or alias :returns: ``bool`` """ self._validate_single_index(index) try: if self._es.indices.get(index, feature="_aliases", expand_wildcards="none"): return True except NotFoundError: pass return False
[docs] def get_indices(self, full_info=False): """Return the cluster index information of active indices. :param full_info: ``bool`` whether to return the full index info (default ``False``) :returns: ``dict`` """ feature = "" if full_info else "_aliases,_settings" return self._es.indices.get("_all", feature=feature)
[docs] def get_aliases(self): """Return the cluster aliases information. :returns: ``dict`` with format ``{<alias>: [<index>, ...], ...}`` """ aliases = {} aliases_obj = (self._es.indices.get_aliases() if self.elastic_major_version == 2 else self._es.indices.get_alias()) for index, alias_info in aliases_obj.items(): for alias in alias_info.get("aliases", {}): aliases.setdefault(alias, []).append(index) return aliases
[docs] def cluster_health(self, index=None): """Return the Elasticsearch cluster health.""" if index is not None: self._validate_single_index(index) return
[docs] def cluster_routing(self, *, enabled): """Enable or disable cluster routing. :param enabled: ``bool`` whether to enable or disable routing """ value = "all" if enabled else "none" self._cluster_put_settings({"cluster.routing.allocation.enable": value})
def _cluster_put_settings(self, settings, transient=True, is_flat=True): set_type = "transient" if transient else "persistent" self._es.cluster.put_settings({set_type: settings}, flat_settings=is_flat)
[docs] def get_node_info(self, node_id, metric): """Return a specific metric from the node info for an Elasticsearch node. :param node_id: ``str`` ID of the node :param metric: ``str`` name of the metric to fetch :returns: deserialized JSON (``dict``, ``list``, ``str``, etc) """ return, metric)["nodes"][node_id][metric]
[docs] def get_task(self, task_id): """Return the details for an active task :param task_id: ``str`` ID of the task :returns: ``dict`` of task details :raises: ``TaskError`` or ``TaskMissing`` (subclass of ``TaskError``) """ if self.elastic_major_version == 5: try: task_details = self._es.tasks.get(task_id=task_id) task_info = task_details['task'] task_info['completed'] = task_details['completed'] except NotFoundError as e: # unknown task id provided raise TaskMissing(e) return task_info return self._parse_task_result(self._es.tasks.list(task_id=task_id, detailed=True))
[docs] def cancel_task(self, task_id): """ Cancells a running task in ES :param task_id: ``str`` ID of the task :returns: ``dict`` of task details :raises: ``TaskError`` or ``TaskMissing`` (subclass of ``TaskError``) """ result = self._es.tasks.cancel(task_id) return self._parse_task_result(result)
@staticmethod def _parse_task_result(result, *, _return_one=True): """Parse the ``tasks.list()`` output and return a dictionary of task details. :param result: Elasticsearch ``/_tasks`` response :param _return_one: ``bool`` (default ``True``) verify that there is only one task result and return the details for that task only. Setting to ``False`` changes the return value, returning a dictionary of one or more tasks, keyed by their ``task_id`` (used for tests, but is not necessarily a "for testing only" feature). :returns: ``dict`` :raises: ``TaskError`` or ``TaskMissing`` (subclass of ``TaskError``) """ tasks = {} for node_name, info in result.get("nodes", {}).items(): for task_id, details in info.get("tasks", {}).items(): tasks[task_id] = details if tasks: if not _return_one: return tasks if len(tasks) == 1: return list(tasks.values()).pop() try: failures = result["node_failures"] failure = failures.pop() if not failures and failure["type"] == "failed_node_exception": cause = failure["caused_by"] if cause["type"] == "resource_not_found_exception": raise TaskMissing(cause) except (KeyError, IndexError): # task info format is not what we expected pass raise TaskError(result)
[docs] def index_create(self, index, metadata=None): """Create a new index. :param index: ``str`` index name :param metadata: ``dict`` full index metadata (mappings, settings, etc) """ self._validate_single_index(index) self._es.indices.create(index, metadata)
[docs] def index_delete(self, index): """Delete an existing index. :param index: ``str`` index name """ self._validate_single_index(index) self._es.indices.delete(index)
[docs] def index_refresh(self, index): """Convenience method for refreshing a single index.""" self.indices_refresh([index])
[docs] def indices_refresh(self, indices): """Refresh a list of indices. :param indices: iterable of index names or aliases """ if not isinstance(indices, (list, tuple, set)): raise ValueError(f"invalid list of indices: {indices}") for index in indices: self._validate_single_index(index) self._es.indices.refresh(",".join(indices), expand_wildcards="none")
[docs] def indices_info(self): """Retrieve meta information about all the indices in the cluster. This will also return closed indices :returns: ``dict`` A dict with index name in keys and index meta information. """ indices_info ='json', bytes='b') filtered_indices_info = {} for info in indices_info: if info['index'].startswith('.'): # Elasticsearch system index, ignore continue filtered_indices_info[info['index']] = { 'health': info['health'], 'primary_shards': info['pri'], 'replica_shards': info['rep'], 'doc_count': info['docs.count'], 'size_on_disk': info['store.size'], # in bytes } return filtered_indices_info
[docs] def index_flush(self, index): """Flush an index. :param index: ``str`` index name """ self._validate_single_index(index) self._es.indices.flush(index, expand_wildcards="none")
[docs] def index_close(self, index): """Close an index. :param index: ``str`` index name """ self._validate_single_index(index) self._es.indices.close(index, expand_wildcards="none")
[docs] def index_put_alias(self, index, name): """Assign an alias to an existing index. This uses the ``Elasticsearch.update_aliases()`` method to perform both 'remove' and 'add' actions simultaneously, which is atomic on the server-side. This ensures that the alias is **only** assigned to one index at a time, and that (if present) an existing alias does not vanish momentarily. See: :param index: ``str`` name of the index to be aliased :param name: ``str`` name of the alias to assign to ``index`` """ self._validate_single_index(index) self._validate_single_index(name) # remove the alias (if assigned) and (re)assign it in a single request self._es.indices.update_aliases({"actions": [ {"remove": {"index": "_all", "alias": name}}, {"add": {"index": index, "alias": name}}, ]})
[docs] def index_set_replicas(self, index, replicas): """Set the number of replicas for an index. :param index: ``str`` index for which to change the replicas :param replicas: ``int`` number of replicas """ self._validate_single_index(index) settings = {"index.number_of_replicas": replicas} self._index_put_settings(index, settings)
[docs] def index_configure_for_reindex(self, index): """Update an index with settings optimized for reindexing. :param index: ``str`` index for which to change the settings """ self._validate_single_index(index) return self._index_put_settings(index, INDEX_CONF_REINDEX)
[docs] def index_configure_for_standard_ops(self, index): """Update an index with settings optimized standard HQ performance. :param index: ``str`` index for which to change the settings """ return self._index_put_settings(index, INDEX_CONF_STANDARD)
def _index_put_settings(self, index, settings): self._validate_single_index(index) if not (list(settings) == ["index"] or all(key.startswith("index.") for key in settings)): raise ValueError(f"Invalid index settings: {settings}") return self._es.indices.put_settings(settings, index)
[docs] def index_put_mapping(self, index, type_, mapping): """Update the mapping for a doc type on an index. :param index: ``str`` index where the mapping should be updated :param type_: ``str`` doc type to update on the index :param mapping: ``dict`` mapping for the provided doc type """ self._validate_single_index(index) return self._es.indices.put_mapping(type_, mapping, index, expand_wildcards="none")
[docs] def index_get_mapping(self, index, type_): """Returns the current mapping for a doc type on an index. :param index: ``str`` index to fetch the mapping from :param type_: ``str`` doc type to fetch the mapping for :returns: mapping ``dict`` or ``None`` if index does not have a mapping """ self._validate_single_index(index) response = self._es.indices.get_mapping(index, type_, expand_wildcards="none") try: index_data = response[index] except KeyError: return None # index exists but does not have a mapping return index_data["mappings"][type_]
[docs] def index_get_settings(self, index, values=None): """Returns the current settings for an index. :param index: ``str`` index to fetch settings for :param values: Optional collection of explicit settings to provide in the return value. If ``None`` (the default) all settings are returned. :returns: ``dict`` :raises: ``KeyError`` (only if invalid ``values`` are provided) """ self._validate_single_index(index) settings = self._es.indices.get_settings( index, expand_wildcards="none", # include_defaults=bool(values), # unavailable in elasticsearch2 )[index]["settings"]["index"] if values is None: return settings return {k: settings[k] for k in values}
[docs] def index_validate_query(self, index, query, params={}): """Returns True if passed `query` is valid else will return false""" validation = self._es.indices.validate_query(body=query, index=index, params=params) return validation['valid']
@staticmethod def _validate_single_index(index): """Verify that the provided index is a valid, single index - is non-zero - is not ``_all`` - does not contain commas (``,``) - does not contain wildcards (i.e. asterisks, ``*``). See: # noqa: E501 :param index: index name or alias """ if not index: raise ValueError(f"invalid index: {index}") elif index == "_all": raise ValueError("refusing to operate on all indices") elif "," in index: raise ValueError(f"refusing to operate on multiple indices: {index}") elif "*" in index: raise ValueError(f"refusing to operate with index wildcards: {index}")
[docs] def reindex( self, source, dest, wait_for_completion=False, refresh=False, batch_size=1000, purge_ids=False, requests_per_second=None, ): """ Starts the reindex process in elastic search cluster :param source: ``str`` name of the source index :param dest: ``str`` name of the destination index :param wait_for_completion: ``bool`` would block the request until reindex is complete :param refresh: ``bool`` refreshes index :param requests_per_second: ``int`` throttles rate at which reindex issues batches of index operations by padding each batch with a wait time. :param batch_size: ``int`` The size of the scroll batch used by the reindex process. larger batches may process more quickly but risk errors if the documents are too large. 1000 is the recommended maximum and elasticsearch default, and can be reduced if you encounter scroll timeouts. :param purge_ids: ``bool`` adds an inline script to remove the _id field from documents source. these cause errors on reindexing the doc, but the script slows down the reindex substantially, so it is only recommended to enable this if you have run into the specific error it is designed to resolve. :returns: None if wait_for_completion is True else would return task_id of reindex task """ # More info on "op_type" and "version_type" # reindex_body = { "source": { "index": source, "size": batch_size, }, "dest": { "index": dest, "op_type": "create", "version_type": "external" }, "conflicts": "proceed" } if purge_ids: reindex_body["script"] = {"inline": "if (ctx._source._id) {ctx._source.remove('_id')}"} reindex_kwargs = { "wait_for_completion": wait_for_completion, "refresh": refresh, } if requests_per_second: reindex_kwargs["requests_per_second"] = requests_per_second reindex_info = self._es.reindex(reindex_body, **reindex_kwargs) if not wait_for_completion: return reindex_info['task']
[docs]class ElasticDocumentAdapter(BaseAdapter): """Base for subclassing document-specific adapters. Subclasses must define the following: - ``mapping``: attribute (``dict``) - ``from_python(...)``: classmethod for converting models into Elastic format """ analysis = DEFAULT_ANALYSIS settings_key = None # Model class whose objects are to be saved in ES. # This variable be used in data transformation logic model_cls = None # Name of the index as referred in HQ world canonical_name = None
[docs] def __init__(self, index_name, type_): """A document adapter for a single index. :param index_name: the name of the index that this adapter interacts with :param type_: the index ``_type`` for the mapping """ super().__init__() self.index_name = index_name self.type = type_
[docs] def export_adapter(self): """Get an instance of this document adapter configured for "export" queries (i.e. the low-level Elasticsearch client object is configured with longer request timeouts, etc). """ adapter = copy.copy(self) adapter._es = get_client(for_export=True) return adapter
[docs] def from_python(self, doc): """Transform a Python model object or model dict into the json-serializable (``dict``) format suitable for indexing in Elasticsearch. :param doc: document (instance of a Python model) or a dict representation of that model :returns: ``tuple`` of ``(doc_id, source_dict)`` suitable for being indexed/updated/deleted in Elasticsearch """ if isinstance(doc, self.model_cls): doc_dict = doc.to_json() elif isinstance(doc, dict): doc_dict = copy.copy(doc) else: raise TypeError(f"Unkown type {type(doc)}") return self._from_dict(doc_dict)
def _from_dict(self, model_dict): """ Transforms a model dict to a JSON serializable dict suitable for indexing in elasticsearch. """ return model_dict.pop('_id'), model_dict
[docs] def to_json(self, doc): """Convenience method that returns the full "from python" document (including the ``_id`` key, if present) as it would be returned by an adapter ``search`` result. This method is not used by the adapter itself, and is only present for other code which wishes to work with documents in a couch-like format. :param doc: document (instance of a Python model) """ _id, source = self.from_python(doc) if _id is not None: source["_id"] = _id return source
[docs] def exists(self, doc_id): """Check if a document exists for the provided ``doc_id`` Equivalent to the legacy ``ElasticsearchInterface.doc_exists(...)`` method. :param doc_id: ``str`` ID of the document to be checked :returns: ``bool`` """ return self._es.exists(self.index_name, self.type, doc_id)
[docs] def get(self, doc_id, source_includes=None): """Return the document for the provided ``doc_id`` Equivalent to the legacy ``ElasticsearchInterface.get_doc(...)`` method. :param doc_id: ``str`` ID of the document to be fetched :param source_includes: a list of fields to extract and return. If ``None`` (the default), the entire document is returned. :returns: ``dict`` """ kw = {"_source_include": source_includes} if source_includes else {} doc = self._es.get_source(self.index_name, self.type, doc_id, **kw) # TODO: standardize all result collections returned by this class. doc["_id"] = doc_id return doc
[docs] def count(self, query): """Return the number of documents matched by the ``query`` :param query: ``dict`` query body :returns: ``int`` """ query = self._prepare_count_query(query) return self._es.count(self.index_name, self.type, query).get("count")
def _prepare_count_query(self, query): """TODO: move this logic to the calling class (the low-level adapter should not be performing this type of manipulation). """ # pagination params are not required and not supported in ES count API query = query.copy() for extra in ["size", "sort", "from", "to", "_source"]: query.pop(extra, None) return query
[docs] def get_docs(self, doc_ids): """Return multiple docs for the provided ``doc_ids`` Equivalent to the legacy ``ElasticsearchInterface.get_bulk_docs(...)`` method. :param doc_ids: iterable of document IDs (``str``'s) :returns: ``dict`` """ docs = [] result = self._mget({"ids": doc_ids}) # TODO: check for shard failures for doc_result in result["docs"]: if "error" in doc_result: raise ESError(doc_result["error"].get("reason", "multi-get error")) if doc_result["found"]: # TODO: standardize all result collections returned by this class. self._fix_hit(doc_result) docs.append(doc_result["_source"]) return docs
[docs] def iter_docs(self, doc_ids, chunk_size=100): """Return a generator which fetches documents in chunks. :param doc_ids: iterable of document IDs (``str`` s) :param chunk_size: ``int`` number of documents to fetch per query :yields: ``dict`` documents """ # TODO: standardize all result collections returned by this class. for ids_chunk in chunked(doc_ids, chunk_size): yield from self.get_docs(ids_chunk)
def _mget(self, query): """Perform an ``mget`` request and return the result. :param query: ``dict`` mget query """ return self._es.mget(query, self.index_name, self.type, _source=True)
[docs] def search(self, query, **kw): """Perform a query (search) and return the result. :param query: ``dict`` search query to execute :param kw: extra parameters passed directly to the underlying ```` method. :returns: ``dict`` """ # TODO: # - standardize all result collections returned by this class. # - remove **kw and standardize which arguments HQ uses try: result = self._search(query, **kw) self._fix_hits_in_result(result) self._report_and_fail_on_shard_failures(result) except ElasticsearchException as exc: raise ESError(exc) return result
def _search(self, query, **kw): """Perform a "low-level" search and return the raw result. This is split into a separate method for ease of testing the result format. """ with metrics_histogram_timer( '', timing_buckets=(1, 10), tags={ 'index': self.canonical_name, 'domain': limit_domains(get_request_domain()), }, ): return, self.type, query, **kw)
[docs] def scroll(self, query, scroll=SCROLL_KEEPALIVE, size=None): """Perfrom a scrolling search, yielding each doc until the entire context is exhausted. :param query: ``dict`` raw search query. :param scroll: ``str`` time value specifying how long the Elastic cluster should keep the search context alive. :param size: ``int`` scroll size (number of documents per "scroll" page) When set to ``None`` (the default), the default scroll size is used. :yields: ``dict`` documents """ # TODO: standardize all result collections returned by this class. try: for result in self._scroll(query, scroll, size): self._report_and_fail_on_shard_failures(result) self._fix_hits_in_result(result) for hit in result["hits"]["hits"]: yield hit except ElasticsearchException as e: raise ESError(e)
def _scroll(self, query, scroll, size): """Perform one or more scroll requests to completely exhaust a scrolling search context. :param query: ``dict`` search query to execute :param scroll: ``str`` duration to keep scroll context alive :param size: ``int`` scroll size (number of documents per "scroll" page) :yields: ``dict``s of Elasticsearch result objects Providing a query with ``size`` specified as well as the ``size`` keyword argument is ambiguous, and Elastic docs do not say what happens when ``size`` is provided both as a GET parameter _as well as_ part of the query body. Real-world observations show that the GET parameter wins, but to avoid ambiguity, specifying both in this function will raise a ``ValueError``. Read before using: - Scroll queries are not designed for real-time user requests. - Using aggregations with scroll queries may yield non-aggregated results. - The most efficient way to perform a scroll request is to sort by ``_doc``. - Scroll request results reflect the state of the index at the time the initial ``search`` is requested. Changes to the index after that time will not be reflected for the duration of the search context. - Open scroll search contexts can keep old index segments alive longer, which may require more disk space and file descriptor limits. - An Elasticsearch cluster has a limited number of allowed concurrent search contexts. Versions 2.4 and 5.6 do not specify what the default maximum limit is, or how to configure it. Version 7.14 specifies the default is 500 concurrent search contexts. - See: """ query = query.copy() query.setdefault("sort", "_doc") # configure for efficiency if able kwargs = {"scroll": scroll} # validate/set default size size_qy = query.get("size") if size_qy is None: # Set a large scroll size if one is not already configured. # Observations on Elastic v2.4 show default (when not specified) # scroll size of 10. kwargs["size"] = SCROLL_SIZE if size is None else size elif size is not None: raise ValueError(f"ambiguous scroll size (specified in both query " f"and arguments): query={size_qy}, arg={size}") result = self._search(query, **kwargs) scroll_id = result.get("_scroll_id") if scroll_id is None: return try: yield result while True: # Failure to add the `scroll` parameter here will cause the # scroll context to terminate immediately after this request, # resulting in this method fetching a maximum `size * 2` # documents. # see: result = self._es.scroll(scroll_id, scroll=scroll) scroll_id = result.get("_scroll_id") yield result if scroll_id is None or not result["hits"]["hits"]: break finally: if scroll_id: self._es.clear_scroll(body={"scroll_id": [scroll_id]}, ignore=(404,))
[docs] def index(self, doc, refresh=False): """Index (send) a new document in (to) Elasticsearch Equivalent to the legacy ``ElasticsearchInterface.index_doc(...)`` method. :param doc: the (Python model) document to index :param refresh: ``bool`` refresh the effected shards to make this operation visible to search """ doc_id, source = self.from_python(doc) self._verify_doc_id(doc_id) self._verify_doc_source(source) self._index(doc_id, source, refresh)
def _index(self, doc_id, source, refresh): """Perform the low-level (3rd party library) index operation.""" self._es.index(self.index_name, self.type, source, doc_id, refresh=self._refresh_value(refresh))
[docs] def update(self, doc_id, fields, return_doc=False, refresh=False, _upsert=False, retry_on_conflict=None): """Update an existing document in Elasticsearch Equivalent to the legacy ``ElasticsearchInterface.update_doc_fields(...)`` method. :param doc_id: ``str`` ID of the document to update :param fields: ``dict`` of name/values to update on the existing Elastic doc :param return_doc: ``bool`` return the full updated doc. When ``False`` (the default), ``None`` is returned. :param refresh: ``bool`` refresh the effected shards to make this operation visible to search :param _upsert: ``bool``. Only needed for multiplexing, use the `index()` method instead. Create a new document if one doesn't already exist. When ``False`` (the default), performing an update request for a missing document will raise an exception. :param retry_on_conflict: ``int`` number of times to retry the update if there is a conflict. Ignored if ``None`` (the default). Otherwise, the value it is passed directly to the low-level `update()` method. :returns: ``dict`` or ``None`` """ if "_id" in fields: if doc_id != fields["_id"]: raise ValueError(f"ambiguous doc_id: ({doc_id!r} != {fields['_id']!r})") fields = {key: fields[key] for key in fields if key != "_id"} self._verify_doc_source(fields) kw = {"refresh": self._refresh_value(refresh)} if retry_on_conflict is not None: kw["retry_on_conflict"] = retry_on_conflict return self._update(doc_id, fields, return_doc, _upsert, **kw)
def _update(self, doc_id, fields, return_doc, _upsert, **kw): """Perform the low-level (3rd party library) update operation.""" if return_doc: major_version = self.elastic_major_version assert major_version in {2, 5, 6, 7, 8}, self.elastic_version if major_version == 2: kw["fields"] = "_source" elif major_version in {5, 6, 7}: # this changed in elasticsearch-py v5.x kw["_source"] = "true" else: # this changes again in elasticsearch-py v8.x kw["source"] = True payload = {"doc": fields} if _upsert: payload["doc_as_upsert"] = True response = self._es.update(self.index_name, self.type, doc_id, payload, **kw) return response.get("get", {}).get("_source")
[docs] def delete(self, doc_id, refresh=False): """Delete an existing document from Elasticsearch Equivalent to the legacy ``ElasticsearchInterface.delete_doc(...)`` method. :param doc_id: ``str`` ID of the document to delete :param refresh: ``bool`` refresh the effected shards to make this operation visible to search """ self._es.delete(self.index_name, self.type, doc_id, refresh=self._refresh_value(refresh))
@staticmethod def _refresh_value(refresh): """Translate a boolean ``refresh`` argument value into a string value expected by Elasticsearch. :param refresh: ``bool`` :returns: ``str`` (one of ``'true'`` or ``'false'``) """ # valid Elasticsearch values are ["true", "false", "wait_for"] if refresh not in {True, False}: raise ValueError(f"Invalid 'refresh' value, expected bool, got {refresh!r}") return "true" if refresh else "false"
[docs] def bulk(self, actions, refresh=False, raise_errors=True): """Use the Elasticsearch library's ``bulk()`` helper function to process documents en masse. Equivalent to the legacy ``ElasticsearchInterface.bulk_ops(...)`` method. :param actions: iterable of ``BulkActionItem`` instances :param refresh: ``bool`` refresh the effected shards to make this operation visible to search :param raise_errors: whether or not exceptions should be raised if bulk actions fail. The default (``True``) matches that of the elasticsearch-py library's ``bulk()`` helper function (i.e. raise). """ payload = [self._render_bulk_action(action) for action in actions] return self._bulk(payload, refresh, raise_errors)
def _bulk(self, payload, refresh, raise_errors): """Perform the bulk operation with the low-level payload object.""" return bulk( self._es, payload, refresh=self._refresh_value(refresh), raise_on_exception=raise_errors, raise_on_error=raise_errors, )
[docs] def bulk_index(self, docs, **bulk_kw): """Convenience method for bulk indexing many documents without the BulkActionItem boilerplate. :param docs: iterable of (Python model) documents to be indexed :param bulk_kw: extra parameters passed verbatim to the ``ElasticDocumentAdapter.bulk()`` method. """ action_gen = (BulkActionItem.index(doc) for doc in docs) return self.bulk(action_gen, **bulk_kw)
[docs] def bulk_delete(self, doc_ids, **bulk_kw): """Convenience method for bulk deleting many documents by ID without the BulkActionItem boilerplate. :param doc_ids: iterable of document IDs to be deleted :param bulk_kw: extra parameters passed verbatim to the ``ElasticDocumentAdapter.bulk()`` method. """ action_gen = (BulkActionItem.delete_id(doc_id) for doc_id in doc_ids) return self.bulk(action_gen, **bulk_kw)
def _render_bulk_action(self, action, *, forbid_tombstones=True): """Return a "raw" action object in the format required by the Elasticsearch ``bulk()`` helper function. :param action: a ``BulkActionItem`` instance :param forbid_tombstones: Optional (default ``True``) passed verbatim to the ``_verify_doc_source()`` method. :returns: ``dict`` """ for_elastic = { "_index": self.index_name, "_type": self.type, } if action.is_delete: for_elastic["_op_type"] = "delete" if action.doc is None: doc_id = action.doc_id else: doc_id = self.from_python(action.doc)[0] elif action.is_index: for_elastic["_op_type"] = "index" doc_id, source = self.from_python(action.doc) self._verify_doc_source(source, forbid_tombstones=forbid_tombstones) for_elastic["_source"] = source else: raise ValueError(f"unsupported action type: {action!r}") self._verify_doc_id(doc_id) for_elastic["_id"] = doc_id return for_elastic @staticmethod def _verify_doc_id(doc_id): """Check whether or not the provided ``doc_id`` is a valid value to use as the ``_id`` for an Elasticsearch document. :param doc_id: value to check :raises: ``ValueError`` """ if not (isinstance(doc_id, str) and doc_id): raise ValueError(f"invalid Elastic _id value: {doc_id!r}") @staticmethod def _verify_doc_source(source, *, forbid_tombstones=True): """Check whether or the not the provided ``source`` is valid for passing to Elasticseach (does not contain any illegal meta properties). :param source: ``dict`` of document properties to check :param forbid_tombstones: Optional. If ``True`` (the default), raise if ``source`` contains any properties reserved for tombstones. :raises: ``ValueError`` """ if not isinstance(source, dict) or "_id" in source: raise ValueError(f"invalid Elastic _source value: {source}") if forbid_tombstones and source.get(Tombstone.PROPERTY_NAME, False): raise ValueError(f"property {Tombstone.PROPERTY_NAME} is reserved") @staticmethod def _fix_hit(hit): """Modify the ``hit`` dict that is passed to this method. :param hit: ``dict`` Elasticsearch result :returns: ``None`` """ # TODO: standardize all result collections returned by this class. if "_source" in hit: hit["_source"]["_id"] = hit["_id"] def _fix_hits_in_result(self, result): """Munge the ``result`` dict, conditionally modifying it. :param result: ``dict`` of Elasticsearch result hits (or possibly something else) :returns: ``None`` """ # TODO: standardize all result collections returned by this class. try: hits = result["hits"]["hits"] except KeyError: return for hit in hits: self._fix_hit(hit) @staticmethod def _report_and_fail_on_shard_failures(result): """ Raise an ESShardFailure if there are shard failures in a search result (JSON) and report to datadog. The ```` metric counts 1 per Elastic request with any shard failure. :param result: Elasticsearch ``search`` or ``scroll`` result object :raises: ``ESShardFailure``, ``ValueError`` """ if not isinstance(result, dict): raise ValueError(f"invalid Elastic result object: {result}") if result.get("_shards", {}).get("failed"): metrics_counter("") # Example message: # "_shards: {"successful": 4, "failed": 1, "total": 5}" shard_info = json.dumps(result["_shards"]) raise ESShardFailure(f"_shards: {shard_info}")
[docs] def delete_tombstones(self): """ Deletes all tombstones documents present in the index TODO: This should be replaced by delete_by_query when on ES version >= 5 """ tombstone_ids = self._get_tombstone_ids() self.bulk_delete(tombstone_ids, refresh=True)
def _get_tombstone_ids(self): query = { "query": term(Tombstone.PROPERTY_NAME, True), "_source": False } scroll_iter = self.scroll(query, size=1000) return [doc['_id'] for doc in scroll_iter] def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} index={self.index_name!r}, type={self.type!r}>"
[docs]class BulkActionItem: """A wrapper for documents to be processed via Elasticsearch's Bulk API. Collections of these objects can be passed to an ElasticDocumentAdapter's ``.bulk()`` method for processing. Instances of this class are meant to be acquired via one of the factory methods rather than instantiating directly (via ``__init__()``). """ OpType = Enum("OpType", "index delete")
[docs] def __init__(self, op_type, doc=None, doc_id=None): if not (isinstance(op_type, self.OpType) and op_type in self.OpType): raise ValueError(f"invalid operations type: {op_type!r}") if doc is None and doc_id is None: raise ValueError("at least one of 'doc' or 'doc_id' are required") elif not (doc is None or doc_id is None): raise ValueError("'doc' and 'doc_id' are mutually exclusive") elif doc is None and op_type is not self.OpType.delete: raise ValueError("'doc_id' can only be used for delete operations") self.doc = doc self.doc_id = doc_id self.op_type = op_type
[docs] @classmethod def delete(cls, doc): """Factory method for a document delete action""" return cls(cls.OpType.delete, doc=doc)
[docs] @classmethod def delete_id(cls, doc_id): """Factory method for a document delete action providing only the ID""" return cls(cls.OpType.delete, doc_id=doc_id)
[docs] @classmethod def index(cls, doc): """Factory method for a document index action""" return cls(cls.OpType.index, doc=doc)
@property def is_delete(self): """``True`` if this is a delete action, otherwise ``False``.""" return self.op_type is self.OpType.delete @property def is_index(self): """``True`` if this is an index action, otherwise ``False``.""" return self.op_type is self.OpType.index def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, BulkActionItem): return NotImplemented return (self.op_type, self.doc, self.doc_id) == (other.op_type, other.doc, other.doc_id) def __repr__(self): if self.doc_id is not None: doc_info = f"_id={self.doc_id!r}" else: doc_info = f"doc={self.doc!r}" return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} op_type={}, {doc_info}>"
[docs]class ElasticMultiplexAdapter(BaseAdapter):
[docs] def __init__(self, primary_adapter, secondary_adapter): super().__init__() self.index_name = primary_adapter.index_name self.type = primary_adapter.type self.primary = primary_adapter self.secondary = secondary_adapter # TODO document this better self.secondary.from_python = self.from_python
@property def mapping(self): return self.primary.mapping def export_adapter(self): adapter = copy.copy(self) adapter.primary = adapter.primary.export_adapter() return adapter def from_python(self, doc): if isinstance(doc, Tombstone): return, Tombstone.create_document() return self.primary.from_python(doc) # meta methods and Elastic index read methods (pass-through on the primary # adapter) @property def analysis(self): return self.primary.analysis @property def settings_key(self): return self.primary.settings_key @property def canonical_name(self): return self.primary.canonical_name def to_json(self, doc): # TODO: this is a classmethod on the the document adapter, but should # be converted to an instance method return self.primary.to_json(doc) def count(self, *args, **kw): return self.primary.count(*args, **kw) def exists(self, *args, **kw): return self.primary.exists(*args, **kw) def get(self, *args, **kw): return self.primary.get(*args, **kw) def get_docs(self, *args, **kw): return self.primary.get_docs(*args, **kw) def iter_docs(self, *args, **kw): return self.primary.iter_docs(*args, **kw) def scroll(self, *args, **kw): return self.primary.scroll(*args, **kw) def search(self, *args, **kw): return*args, **kw) # Elastic index write methods (multiplexed between both adapters)
[docs] def bulk(self, actions, refresh=False, raise_errors=True): """Apply bulk actions on the primary and secondary. Bulk actions are applied against the primary and secondary in chunks of 500 actions at a time (replicates the behavior of the the ``bulk()`` helper function). Chunks are applied against the primary and secondary simultaneously by chunking the original ``actions`` in blocks of (up to) 250 and performing a single block of (up to) 500 actions against both indexes in parallel. Tombstone documents are indexed on the secondary for any ``delete`` actions which succeed on the primary but fail on the secondary. """ success_count = 0 errors = [] for chunk in chunked(self._iter_pruned_actions(actions), 250): payload = [] for action in chunk: # apply the chunk to both indexes in parallel payload.append(self.primary._render_bulk_action(action)) if action.is_delete: # Always create a tombstone on secondary index when delete is issued on primary if action.doc is None: doc_id = action.doc_id else: doc_id = self.from_python(action.doc)[0] payload.append( self.secondary._render_bulk_action( BulkActionItem.index(Tombstone(doc_id)), forbid_tombstones=False ) ) else: payload.append(self.secondary._render_bulk_action(action)) _, chunk_errs = bulk(self._es, payload, chunk_size=len(payload), refresh=refresh, raise_on_error=False, raise_on_exception=raise_errors) deduped_errs = {} for error in chunk_errs: doc_id, index_name = self._parse_bulk_error(error) if index_name == self.primary.index_name and self._is_delete_not_found(error): # Ignore error raised while deleting an non-existent doc on primary pass else: deduped_errs.setdefault(doc_id, error) errors.extend(deduped_errs.values()) if raise_errors and errors: # raise the same as elasticsearch-py does raise BulkIndexError(f"{len(errors)} document(s) failed to index.", errors) success_count += (len(chunk) - len(deduped_errs)) return success_count, errors
@staticmethod def _parse_bulk_error(error): """Returns tuple ``(doc_id, index_name)`` for the provided bulk action error. """ op_type, = error.keys() return error[op_type]["_id"], error[op_type]["_index"] @staticmethod def _is_delete_not_found(error): return error.get("delete", {}).get("status") == 404 def _iter_pruned_actions(self, actions): """Iterates over ``actions``, yielding a subset of actions in the same order. Actions are pruned (not yielded) if they are superseded by a later action. Pruning logic uses the following algorithm: - Any ``index`` action supersedes all prior actions for the same document ``_id``. - Any ``delete`` action supersedes previous ``delete`` actions for the same document ``_id``, but does not supersede ``index`` actions. For any unique document ``_id`` present in the original actions, there are only three possible action permutations yielded by this method: 1. ``delete_action`` only: This is the last of one or more delete actions for this document. There were no index actions. 2. ``index_action`` only: This is the last of one or more actions of any type for this document, and this action came after all others. 3. ``index_action`` *and* ``delete_action`` (index action will always be yielded first): These are the last of each index and delete actions (respectively), and the delete action came *after* the index action. :param actions: an iterable of ``BulkActionItem`` instances. """ by_id = {} for seq, action in enumerate(actions): # Render the action to get the document id and bulk action 'op_type' # value. The adpater used to acquire this info is not important # (either the primary or secondary will suffice). serializable_action = self.primary._render_bulk_action(action) doc_id = serializable_action["_id"] op_type = serializable_action["_op_type"] if action.is_delete: by_id.setdefault(doc_id, {})[op_type] = (seq, action) else: assert action.is_index, action by_id[doc_id] = {op_type: (seq, action)} def flatten(by_id): """Iterate pruned actions, yielding ``(seq, action)`` tuples to support sorting the actions in their original order. This could also be converted into a nested generator expression (instead of a this inline function definition), but the function implementation is easier to read. """ for doc_id, actions in by_id.items(): for op_type, (seq, action) in actions.items(): yield seq, action for seq, action in sorted(flatten(by_id)): yield action def bulk_index(self, docs, **bulk_kw): return ElasticDocumentAdapter.bulk_index(self, docs, **bulk_kw) def bulk_delete(self, doc_ids, **bulk_kw): return ElasticDocumentAdapter.bulk_delete(self, doc_ids, **bulk_kw)
[docs] def delete(self, doc_id, refresh=False): """Delete from both primary and secondary via the ``bulk()`` method in order to perform both actions in a single HTTP request (two, if a tombstone is required). """ try: self.bulk_delete([doc_id], refresh=refresh) except BulkIndexError as exc: resp = list(exc.errors[0].values())[0] raise NotFoundError(resp.pop("status"), str(resp), resp) from exc
[docs] def index(self, doc, refresh=False): """Index into both primary and secondary via the ``bulk()`` method in order to perform both actions in a single HTTP request. """ try: self.bulk_index([doc], refresh=refresh) except BulkIndexError as exc: resp = list(exc.errors[0].values())[0] raise TransportError(resp.pop("status"), str(resp), resp) from exc
[docs] def update(self, doc_id, fields, return_doc=False, refresh=False, _upsert=False, **kw): """Update on the primary adapter, fetching the full doc; then upsert the secondary adapter. """ full_doc = self.primary.update(doc_id, fields, return_doc=True, refresh=refresh, _upsert=_upsert, **kw) # don't refresh the secondary because we never read from it self.secondary.update(doc_id, full_doc, _upsert=True, **kw) if return_doc: return full_doc return None
[docs]class Tombstone: """ Used to create Tombstone documents in the secondary index when the document from primary index is deleted. This is required to avoid a potential race condition that might ocuur when we run reindex process along with the multiplexer """ PROPERTY_NAME = "__is_tombstone__"
[docs] def __init__(self, doc_id): = doc_id
@classmethod def create_document(cls): return {cls.PROPERTY_NAME: True}
[docs]def get_client(for_export=False): """Get an elasticsearch client instance. :param for_export: (optional ``bool``) specifies whether the returned client should be optimized for slow export queries. :returns: `elasticsearch.Elasticsearch` instance. """ if for_export: return _client_for_export() return _client_default()
@memoized def _client_default(): """Get a configured elasticsearch client instance.""" return _client() @memoized def _client_for_export(): """Get an elasticsearch client with settings more tolerant of slow queries (better suited for large exports). """ return _client( retry_on_timeout=True, max_retries=3, timeout=300, # query timeout in seconds ) def _client(**override_kw): """Configure an elasticsearch.Elasticsearch instance.""" hosts = _elastic_hosts() client_kw = { "timeout": settings.ES_SEARCH_TIMEOUT, "serializer": ElasticJSONSerializer(), } client_kw.update(override_kw) return Elasticsearch(hosts, **client_kw) def _elastic_hosts(): """Render the host list for passing to an elasticsearch-py client.""" parse_hosts = getattr(settings, 'ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS', []) if not parse_hosts: parse_hosts.append(settings.ELASTICSEARCH_HOST) hosts = [] for hostspec in parse_hosts: host, delim, port = hostspec.partition(":") if delim: port = int(port) else: port = settings.ELASTICSEARCH_PORT hosts.append({"host": host, "port": port}) return hosts
[docs]def create_document_adapter(cls, index_name, type_, *, secondary=None): """Creates and returns a document adapter instance for the parameters provided. One thing to note here is that the behaviour of the function can be altered with django settings. The function would return multiplexed adapter only if - ES_<app name>_INDEX_MULTIPLEXED is True - Secondary index is provided. The indexes would be swapped only if - ES_<app_name>_INDEX_SWAPPED is set to True - secondary index is provided If both ES_<app name>_INDEX_MULTIPLEXED and ES_<app_name>_INDEX_SWAPPED are set to True then primary index will act as secondary index and vice versa. :param cls: an ``ElasticDocumentAdapter`` subclass :param index_name: the name of the index that the adapter interacts with :param type_: the index ``_type`` for the adapter's mapping. :param secondary: the name of the secondary index in a multiplexing configuration. If an index name is provided and ES_<app name>_INDEX_MULTIPLEXED is set to True, then returned adapter will be an instance of ``ElasticMultiplexAdapter``. If ``None`` (the default), the returned adapter will be an instance of ``cls``. ES_<app name>_INDEX_MULTIPLEXED will be ignored if secondary is None. :returns: a document adapter instance. """ def index_multiplexed(cls): key = f"ES_{cls.canonical_name.upper()}_INDEX_MULTIPLEXED" return getattr(settings, key) def index_swapped(cls): key = f"ES_{cls.canonical_name.upper()}_INDEX_SWAPPED" return getattr(settings, key) doc_adapter = cls(index_runtime_name(index_name), type_) if secondary is None: return doc_adapter secondary_adapter = cls(index_runtime_name(secondary), type_) if index_multiplexed(cls) and index_swapped(cls): doc_adapter = ElasticMultiplexAdapter(secondary_adapter, doc_adapter) elif index_multiplexed(cls): doc_adapter = ElasticMultiplexAdapter(doc_adapter, secondary_adapter) elif index_swapped(cls): doc_adapter = secondary_adapter return doc_adapter
manager = ElasticManageAdapter()